In recognition and appreciation of Dr. Terence K. McAteer’s contributions to Cerro Coso Community College and the people of Inyo County and in accordance with Board Policy 3B4F, the Bishop Campus Community Room was renamed the Dr. Terence K. McAteer Community Room at a ceremony held on Wednesday, February 13, 2019.
Dr. McAteer has been a loyal supporter of education in Inyo County. As president of the Eastern Sierra Foundation, he worked with the Inyo County Board of Education to contribute $1.2 million to the Eastern Sierra Foundation scholarship endowment. The endowment awards full scholarships to any Inyo County resident attending the Cerro Coso Bishop Campus full-time. It also ensures higher education is, and will continue to be, accessible and affordable to all Inyo County residents.
As the Inyo County Superintendent of Schools, Dr. McAteer provided $100,000 of funding to the CCCC Bishop Campus Beautification project that included furniture and equipment to create the Community Room as a place where the students and community can come together and learn. He also provided funding for a number of outreach efforts to increase exposure and access to the College in Bishop.
“What is specifically poignant about our reason for being here today to honor Dr. McAteer,” said KCCD Chancellor Tom Burke, “is that not only his name, but also his spirit and legacy, will continue to permeate the work of education and the community served by this facility.” Even a severe snowstorm that prevented President Jill Board and Chancellor Burke from attending the ceremony could not stifle their enthusiasm and appreciation as they attended the event via iTV.